Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Preliminary Research Conclusions

Compression & Interpolation affect both, the Transmition and Perception Systems. While we are more familiarized with those terms in the software and hardware, Biological Systems also take advantage of the algorithm resource-optimization-capabilities. In biological systems the processing capabilities are also limited, so reducing the data processing to the minimum necessary its economic and effective.
While those process usualy work fine, we get aware of the compression & interpolation (C&I) of the data in our perception when we face stimulus that because of their particular characteristics exceed our perception processing mechanics.
Aberrations occur in the form of illusions and effects in the case of Biological Perception and as Distortion and Loss in the case of Non-Biological Processing.
Getting a deeper understanding of those phenomena is important for optimizing resources and enhancing the possibilities of the audiovisual media.


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