Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I guess that I should have post this from the beginning.
It is the signification of Aberration according to the Oxford English Dictionary and it’s differences with Distortion. The meanings are related but they are not the same. I espect to work with both situations.
Noun_ 1 a departure from what is normal or acceptable. 2 a mental or moral lapse. 3 Optics the failure of rays to converge at one focus because of a defect in a lens or mirror.
ORIGIN Latin, from aberrare ‘to stray’.
Verb_ 1 pull or twist out of shape. 2 give a misleading account of. 3 change the form of (an electrical signal or sound wave) during transmission or amplification.
DERIVATIVES distorted adjective distortion noun.
ORIGIN Latin distorquere ‘twist apart’.------------------------------------------------------------

My research is not about “giving up control”. On the contrary, it is about learning to control those “situations” or phenomenon so you can use them as a tool.
The aberrations are not only related to our perception but also with the Signal/Format and its relation with the emitter. Refraction (in the case of a lens) or blurriness because of pixel interpolation, for example, occur before we can percept them.
The experimentations that I have posted, are just part of my personal research on the way of understanding better those situations.
I know that a story board would be more comprehensible for everybody but I guess that I like an experimental approach where at the end of the research we would be in conditions of generating a preliminary “story board”.


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