Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Preliminary Research Conclusions

Compression & Interpolation affect both, the Transmition and Perception Systems. While we are more familiarized with those terms in the software and hardware, Biological Systems also take advantage of the algorithm resource-optimization-capabilities. In biological systems the processing capabilities are also limited, so reducing the data processing to the minimum necessary its economic and effective.
While those process usualy work fine, we get aware of the compression & interpolation (C&I) of the data in our perception when we face stimulus that because of their particular characteristics exceed our perception processing mechanics.
Aberrations occur in the form of illusions and effects in the case of Biological Perception and as Distortion and Loss in the case of Non-Biological Processing.
Getting a deeper understanding of those phenomena is important for optimizing resources and enhancing the possibilities of the audiovisual media.
Preliminary Bibliography

Cook, Perry, ed. Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound. An Introduction to Psychoacoustics. Cambridge: The Mit Press, 1999.

Cohen, Jozef. Sensation & Perception: 1 Vision. Eyewitness Series in Psychology. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company, 1969.

Cohen, Jozef. Sensation & Perception: 2 Auditioion & Minor Senses. Eyewitness Series in Psychology. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company, 1969.

Da Pos, Osvaldo, and Elena Zambiabchi. Visual Illusions and Effects: a Collection. Milano: Guerini Studio, 2000.

Deregowesky, Jan B. Distortion in Art: The Eye and the Mind. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984.

Goldstein, Bruce. Sensation & Perception. Pacific Grove: Books/ Cole Publishing Company, 1996.

Mather, George, ed., et al. The Motion After Effect: A Modern Perspective. Cambridge: The Mit Press, 1998.

Wade, Nicholas. The Art and Sicence of Visual Illusions. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Audiovisual Experimentation focused on emitter & receiver capabilities & boundaries.

The Project will be centered on the study of the audiovisual (AV) stimulus with special emphasis on its boundaries & aberrations (*ab).
Perception Theory will be applied to explore and take advantage of the Media Possibilities.
An illustrative audiovisual piece will be produced.

My preliminary goal is to generate an explicative & illustrative audiovisual piece centered on the Boundaries & Aberrations of the phenomena.
While an “explicative” piece seems more objective and complex, an “illustrative” piece might be more subjective and simple.
Initially I would prefer the explicative piece, where I found extremely challenging been able to represent in a didactic but also beautiful & coherent way some of the related phenomenon and their interaction. Allowing the spectators to experience and understand complex phenomenon while they enjoy the piece.
The second alternative is probably more realistic in terms of content generation and display, also in terms of production.
The issue that concerns me right now is to visualize:

- How much Scientific Experimental & Didactic Content I will be able to incorporate? and how?

- How objective instead of subjective the piece would possibly be?

- What about mixing objectivity and subjectivity? At what ratio?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I designed this image to illustrate how pixel interpolation affects a file.
The picture has an HD 1280 x720 resolution; it will look good at 100% of its size or scaled at 25% increments (75%, 150%, etc.)
If it is scaled at another ratio we will start to see how the image pixels are interpolated by repeating or subtracting “some” of theim horizontal and vertically.
My idea here, is to get a deeper understanding of how screen interpolation affect pixels and images, even though; when we see an actual picture (a photographic landscape for instance) it's much harder to tell the difference. It is important to consider this issue when you are working with critically detailed elements such as typography on screen (specially a small one).
Sometimes you will notice significant pixel-interpolation-aberrations and the minimum-good-size of the element is dictated by how the display handles the signal.
Displaying at native resolution results in the optimal situation, the NTSC and other analog TV formats where unable to handle accuracy with their rectangle, out of face, blurry pixels. Thanks to silicon we have Digital TV and that was suppose to change, even tough; we need to consider that digital pixel interpolation for scaling a image on a different size native display is a usual practice.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I guess that I should have post this from the beginning.
It is the signification of Aberration according to the Oxford English Dictionary and it’s differences with Distortion. The meanings are related but they are not the same. I espect to work with both situations.
Noun_ 1 a departure from what is normal or acceptable. 2 a mental or moral lapse. 3 Optics the failure of rays to converge at one focus because of a defect in a lens or mirror.
ORIGIN Latin, from aberrare ‘to stray’.
Verb_ 1 pull or twist out of shape. 2 give a misleading account of. 3 change the form of (an electrical signal or sound wave) during transmission or amplification.
DERIVATIVES distorted adjective distortion noun.
ORIGIN Latin distorquere ‘twist apart’.------------------------------------------------------------

My research is not about “giving up control”. On the contrary, it is about learning to control those “situations” or phenomenon so you can use them as a tool.
The aberrations are not only related to our perception but also with the Signal/Format and its relation with the emitter. Refraction (in the case of a lens) or blurriness because of pixel interpolation, for example, occur before we can percept them.
The experimentations that I have posted, are just part of my personal research on the way of understanding better those situations.
I know that a story board would be more comprehensible for everybody but I guess that I like an experimental approach where at the end of the research we would be in conditions of generating a preliminary “story board”.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

This is my Preliminary Research Path.
I guess it would mutate while I am developing the study.
It might not show a "final-piece clue" right now, but it is intent to give a final-piece context.